

职业规划 英语范文

Chapter 1: Introduction to Career Planning (250 words)


Career planning is an essential process that enables individuals to identify their goals, skills, and interests, and subsequently develop a plan to achieve those goals. This process involves various steps, such as self-assessment, exploration of career options, setting goals, and creating an action plan. Career planning plays a crucial role in an individual's personal and professional development, as it helps align their aspirations with their chosen profession. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the career planning process and its significance in shaping an individual's future.


Chapter 2: Self-Assessment (250 words)


Self-assessment is the first step in career planning, as it involves analyzing one's strengths, weaknesses, skills, interests, and values. Understanding oneself is crucial in determining the right career path. This chapter will discuss various self-assessment methods, including personality tests, skills assessments, and interest surveys. It will also highlight the importance of introspection and reflection to uncover one's true passions and talents.


Chapter 3: Exploring Career Options (250 words)


Once individuals have a good understanding of themselves, they can begin exploring potential career options. This chapter will delve into various resources and strategies individuals can use to research different professions. It will encourage readers to consider aspects such as job market demand, salary potential, work-life balance, and future growth opportunities when evaluating career choices. Furthermore, this chapter will emphasize the value of networking and seeking advice from professionals in the field to gain a realistic understanding of different occupations.


Chapter 4: Goal Setting and Action Planning (250 words)


Having identified their career goals and explored various options, individuals can proceed to set clear and realistic career goals. This chapter will discuss the importance of setting short-term and long-term goals, the significance of prioritizing goals based on their importance, and the need to create an action plan to achieve those goals. The chapter will also touch upon the relevance of continuous learning and development, as well as the importance of adapting one's goals as circumstances change.


Conclusion (100 words)


In conclusion, career planning is a vital process that enables individuals to make informed decisions about their professional path. By conducting self-assessments, exploring different career options, and setting clear goals, individuals can pursue careers that align with their interests, skills, and aspirations. The career planning process is not static but requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. This paper has provided an overview of the career planning process and highlighted the significance of aligning personal and professional goals. It is crucial for individuals to prioritize career planning to maximize their potential and ensure long-term satisfaction and success.Chapter 5: Overcoming Challenges in Career Planning (350 words)


While career planning is a valuable process, it is not without its challenges. This chapter will address common obstacles individuals may encounter when planning their careers and provide strategies for overcoming them.


One major challenge is a lack of clarity in goals and interests. Some individuals may struggle to identify their true passions and may feel overwhelmed by the numerous career options available. To overcome this challenge, it is important for individuals to engage in self-reflection and self-exploration. They can take time to think about their hobbies, what they enjoy doing, and what brings them fulfillment. Additionally, seeking guidance from career counselors or mentors can be beneficial in gaining clarity about one's interests and goals.


Another challenge is limited knowledge about different career fields. Many individuals may be unfamiliar with the vast array of careers that exist and may struggle to determine which ones align with their skills and interests. To overcome this challenge, individuals can engage in informational interviews or job shadowing. These activities provide insights into different professions and allow individuals to understand the day-to-day responsibilities and required skills. Moreover, conducting online research and utilizing resources such as career guidebooks and professional websites can also expand one's knowledge about various career paths.


Financial constraints can also pose a challenge in career planning. Some career paths may require extensive education or training, which can be costly. Individuals facing financial limitations can explore alternative options such as scholarships, grants, or part-time work while studying. Additionally, considering community colleges or online courses can provide more affordable education options.


Lastly, personal fears and doubts can hinder career planning. Many individuals fear failure or worry about making the wrong career choice. The key to overcoming these fears is to embrace a growth mindset and understand that failure is a part of the learning process. Seeking support from friends, family, or mentors can provide encouragement and help manage these anxieties. Taking calculated risks and understanding that career paths can be fluid and adaptable can also alleviate such concerns.


Conclusion (100 words)


In conclusion, career planning is a dynamic process that requires individuals to overcome various challenges. By addressing obstacles such as lack of clarity, limited knowledge, financial constraints, and personal fears, individuals can develop strategies to navigate the career planning journey successfully. It is essential for individuals to persist and seek support when facing challenges, as career planning is a crucial step in achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

  英语职业规划范文   其实在高考以前的很久很久,我就想学语言类专业了,我觉得自己对语言有着莫名喜爱,妈妈也说我有学语言的天赋。   那时候也许是高看了自己,以为自己一定能去上想去的大学,学自己喜欢的专业。   可是08年6月的高考让我的梦想碎成了一地的狼藉。   我甚至无法表达出来当时有多么的难过。   原来其实,成绩比想象中要差的很多很多。   后来,我被语言类专业拒之门外。   有那么一段时间,我甚至忽略了自己的梦想,就抱着自暴自弃的态度,学着自己不喜欢的专业,度过了大一的上学期。   寒假的时候我一直在思考,我应该干什么,我能干什么,我想干什么。   梦想在模糊混沌中苏醒,我本不是个堕落的人,我应该向着梦想的方向去前进,让未来按着我憧憬的方向去发展。   为了梦想,我必须开始奋斗。   即使现在学的不是英语类的专业,但是我想,只要付出努力,总会有回报,哪怕只是一点点回报,哪怕我要付出多么艰辛的努力。   3年,5年,10年……我还有那么多那么多的时间去努力,年轻真好。   我最庆幸的是我现在刚大一,那意味这我还有很多的时间去学习自己想学的东西。   我的梦想是做一名同声传译者,呵呵,很高的梦想。   好像现在语言类专业超级热门,很多很多的人在学英语,除了专业英语以外,还有很多非英语专业的人在学习。   颇有一种学好英语可以走遍全天下的感觉。   这是否意味着我将成为芸芸众生中最不起眼的一粒尘埃呢?我不要这样,我也不能这样。   一旦决定了的事情就要去做好它,不管这条路有多难。   千军万马度过独木桥的时候又来了,为了创出自己的一片天地,我已经准备好奋斗。   一、梦想定义   同声传译是指口译员利用专门的同声传译设备,坐在隔音的同传室,俗称箱子   里,一面通过耳机收听源语发言人连续不断的讲话,一面几乎同步地对着话筒把讲话人所表达的全部信息内容准确、完整地翻译成目的语,其译语输出通过话筒输送。   需要传译服务的与会者,可以通过接收装置,调到自己所需的语言频道,从耳机中收听相应的译语输出。   同声传译是翻译工作中难度最大的一种,主要是因为比交替翻译更加省时,目前正成为国际性大会中流行的翻译方式。   当前,世界上95的国际会议采用的都是同声传译的方式。   同声传译是各种翻译活动中难度最高的一种翻译,常常被称为外语专业的最高境界。   同声传译是难度很高的工作,这份工作的薪水也是相当可观的。   当然,我并不是一个拜金主义者,也不是贪图高薪才头脑一热想学同传,同传是我的梦想,仅此而已   二、梦想现状   同声传译人才属于全球稀缺人才,也是最难培养的人才之一。   全球专业的同声传译人员总共也就2015多人,中国同声传译人才更是紧缺,据不完全统计,我国专业的同声传译人才30人左右,至于国际上流行的在经贸、科技、政法等各个领域学有所长的专业型同声传译人才仍是一片空白。   随着中国与世界交流的日益频繁,随着中国国际地位的提高,现在不管是哪里的国际会议,都离不开中文,都少不了来自中国的同声翻译。   全球几乎天天都有国际会议,在中国召开的国际会议也越来越多,可以说同声翻译在国内和国际的市场都是巨大的。   据说,欧盟和澳大利亚甚至还请中国老师为他们培训同声翻译,同声传译的市场前景越来越被看好了。   同声传译需求量成倍地增加,但是合格的同声传译的数量却增长非常缓慢。   据介绍,目前专业的同声传译人才主要集中在北京、上海,广州都不多,其他城市举办国际性的会议更是缺乏同传人才,需要从北京和上海去聘请。   纵然学英语的人很多很多,不过真正有能力从事同传工作的人真的不多,为了心中的梦想,我必须成为精英才行,仅仅会说话的人,是当不了同传的   三、我的梦想之路   由于对于同传的技能水平要求很高,对一个英语专业的学生来说都有难度,而对于我这个非英语专业的学生来说,可谓是难上加难。   不过为了梦想,我必须付出很多时间和精力,我不怕难,我有时间和激情,还有坚持不懈的信念。   相信自己总有一天会走到梦想的彼岸,那一定是个美丽的地方,阳光明媚,鸟语花香。   一路上,就算遇到再多的荆棘再多的苦难,都是值得。   首先,一定要有良好的英语基础。   听力水平一定要过关,否则根本听不懂对方在说什么,更别提翻译了。   对语言的理解能力也需要进一步加深,中英文表达方式和语言习惯的不同点需要进行全面的了解和分析。   能听懂能理解,更需要能表达出来。   所以必须训练自己的发音,说话的流利程度,思维的敏捷度,而且作为一名优秀的翻译必须得了解中国的文化,有了深厚的文化底蕴才能出口成章。   翻译对于听说读写的要求都很高,所以就要求我必须训练自己这方面的能力。   多读,多听,多看,多想,多练……   其次,参加一些专业的翻译培训。   读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师之路。   可见名师对于一个人的成长有着非常重要的作用。   在自己英语水平还可以的基础上就应该参加一些专门的训练,在老师的指导下,才可能最快掌握要领,更快的朝着自己梦想的方向去发展。   再次,专业的等级证书。   证书虽然只是一种形式,但这更是一种能跨进专业领域的门槛。   过不了这个坎儿,还提什么未来?若想成为翻译,应通过翻译专业资格水平考试―。   此考试分三个等级,通过第三级才达到同传的水平。   的难度很大,通过率很低,考察参试者的听力,理解,记忆,语言表达等多方面能力。   要求在短时间之内完成翻译工作,当然不能出现什么离谱的错误。   想要够资格参加考试,我还得好好的修炼。   最后,当然就是坚持不解的努力了。   未来的路,漫长,曲折。   平时必须要利用所有的时间,不管是细小的时间还是一大段时间。   英语是一个漫长的积累过程,也不能期待一朝一夕能取得什么辉煌的成绩。   有一天,我会讲出流利的动听的英语,有一天,我会成为一名优秀的同声传译者。   我相信精诚所至,金石为开。   我想,任何时候,当你想去做一件事情,那就去做,不要让自己后悔。   追求梦想,努力去奋斗,伸出手,就能抓住精彩的蝴蝶。   ’其实也许,我们能做的,真的很多。   相信,我可以做的到。































































































































范例一:An online course
A friend of mine has been taking an online career planning course these days. He told me the other day he has learned a lot from it. He recommended me to subscribe to it. What do you say?
I think it is good if we know enough about career planning. We will make wiser choices. What else did he tell you about it?
Well, just something in general, like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals.
Sounds practical! To be honest, sometimes I feel puzzled about my future career. I am not sure if this job suits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker. I have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills.
Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do. It seems that you need this course more than I do. I love my current job. If I take this course, I hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work. If they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships, that will be great. I need these to improve my current work performance.
Ok, then we can sign up for it together.
范例二:Write down your plans
How long have you been in this company?
I came two years ago after I graduated from college. This is my first job.
You must have found much difference between working in company and studying in college.
Of course! Everyday, there is a deadline to meet. Bosses watching and testing me all the time, not liking in college, handed in paper months later and tested on schedule. It is so busy. But anyway, I have trying my best to be a good employee.
Well, you’ve adapted yourself very well. Everyone in our office thinks you’ve made a great progress in the past two years. What is your secret?
It is so encouraging to hear this remark. The secret is to make plans. Write down your goals, short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month. Then just work hard.
 "五年内您想做到什么职位?",这是一个富有挑战性的问题。要知道,每一个公司都希望自己的员工能够"芝麻开花,节节高",能够挑起更沉的担子。对这个问题的回答,能够反映出您是否富有进取心,是否具备为时代所需要的创新精神,是否能为公司作出更大的贡献。 这一课中,我们就来探讨对这个问题的回答。
career  事业、生涯
senior manager  高级经理
predict  预报、预言
expert  专家、行家
valuable  有价值的
goal  目的、目标
latest technology  最新技术
eventually  最后
expect    预期、期待
Where would you like to be in 5 years?
"Where would you like to be in 5 years?"
"Where do you see yourself five years from now?" 
 "I would like to follow the management career path" 
 "I would like to try the secretary career track" 
 "I'd like to be a senior manager of your company in five years." 
"Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become one of the best engineers in your company." 
"I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term." 
"In five years I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in latest technology that will benefit the company." 
"In the next five years, I want to learn new things, gain more experience and increase my value to your company. I want to learn my job well and eventually to achieve a position of higher responsibility within your company." 
"In the next five years, I will not plan on moving or going back to school, I want to stay with this company for many years, and expect I would be very happy with this job."    
【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】我的职业规划英语写作My Career Plan
During my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as biology, history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my career plan.
CAREER PLAN 职业规划书(英文版范例)
As a new comer enters into social surrounding, I have to plan the rest of life, especially, for the career life. In the near future of my vocational period, approximate 2 years, to practice the curriculum learned at college on the practical working. To achieve related skills, such as communication skill, management art to myself and others (if any), cooperation with my team or colleagues, capacity of endurance for highly tense environment, I need to shift my position in various departments of company. Of course, I’ll never forget making money for my employer while I am learning.
Gradually, I’ll concentrate on doing business both domestically or internationally, which was my dream when I was child. So I will do my best to become the dream true. On the other hand, with company together grow as fast as possible. Via 3 to 5 years’ growth, I’ll be a manager of a division, at that time leading the team of mine to develop new area for my corporation.
  Q:Why is this job right for you at this time in your career?
  A:This job would build on my extensive technical background both as a navy communications officer and in the two software companies where I ve worked. I believe I'm now ready to assume broader responsibilities as a project manager. I ve demonstrated my ability to handle the responsibility for both a diverse team of programmers and engineers and for major apital budgets.
答:除了作为销售助理,我认为我能从销售分析、品牌管理到部门管理不断地进步。我发现做这一行需要发展多种技能,而且我认为在你们的继续教育项目和我自己要求进步的动机下,我相信在机会来临时,我已做好了准备,这就是为什么我从基层做起的原因。 再次提醒,不要谈论具体的职务,顺其自然对你来说是合理的。如何做这份工作才会对公司有利?然后把话题转移到手头上的这份工作来。如果你对这份工作外的东西过分感兴趣,那么面试官会担心你在这个岗位上呆不久。
  Q:What are your aspirations beyond this job?
  A:Beyond this job as a marketing assistant, I see myself moving up through marketing analysis into brand management and eventually running a category. I m aware that there are several skills I need to develop in the interval, and I believe with your continuing education program and my own motivation for self improvement, I'll have those skills when the pportunities arise for greater responsibility. That's why I'm determined to learn from the ground up, starting as a marketing assistant
  Q:What new challenges would you enjoy?
  A:I ve worked in the hospitality industry for over eight years and have progressively worked in larger, more prestigious hotels. I've learned the food and beverage side of the business and the hotel management side, and now I believe I'm ready to be a convention or conference sales manager.
答:一直以来我喜欢销售这一行,因为我不断进步。回首往事,我希望在职业生涯早期能积累更多的市场调查经验,因为这对于了解定量模型类型和专业研究技巧很重要,而这对于地区营销经理来说很重要。 面试官想知道你的职业方向(包括这次面试)对你来说是否不太称心。谨慎地表明你喜欢这个领域。展示你的见识,这些见识能让新手少走弯路、少费时间等等。
  Q:If you could start all over again, what direction would your career take?
  A:I ve always enjoyed consumer sales as I've moved up in my career. Looking back, I wish I'd gotten a bit more experience in market research earlier in my career, because it s important to understand the types of quantitative models and technical research techniques that are now important for a regional sales manager to know.
  Q:What achievements have eluded you?
  A:I ve achieved considerable success at the finance department of my company, a large corporation. I've worked in two different plants as the director of finance. I ve worked in capital budgets at the corporate office and in the business planning area. Unfortunately, I ve never had the opportunity to work in the treasury department. Based on my graduate finance education and my several years  finance experience, I m now convinced that I m ready to handle this responsibility and that it'l be the next step in my learning curve toward a top finance executive position.
  Q:How long do you think you d continue to grow in this job?
  A:My own personal measure of growth in a job is acquiring new skills, new knowledge, and new insights into the industry. As long as I can measure this type of gowth, I consider myself successful. I m a believer in stretching a job by reaching out to learn more about other areas that are peripheral to the job I'm in.
  Q:What career path interests you within the company?
  A:I'd like to work toward becoming a senior project manager within your commercial real estate firm. My background includes several areas within commercial real estate, including working in architectural design, working with governmental departments and agencies, working with banks in the finance area, and, finally, working in sales and leasing. I d like to pull all this background together in the next few years and eventually have project management responsibility.
  Q:Compare this job to others you repursuing.
  A:I've narrowed my job search to only those large securities firms within the finance industry. The basic skills necessary with all of these firms are similar: strong quantitative and analytical abilities, the ability to make decisions quickly, and good interpersonal skills to react to a customer's needs.
  Q:Have you progressed in your career as you expected?
  A:My six years with a major gas company have included solid experience in price analysis, capital budgets, and financial planning. I now believe I m ready to take on departmental responsibility for the entire finance function within a finance company.
  Q:What do you reasonably expect to earn within five years?
  A:My expectation for the next five years is that my contributions will be recognized and appropriately rewarded. I realize that salary levels are based on a number of factors, including the company's profitability and the general business cycle that affects our industry, but I expect to take on greater responsibility each year and to be appropriately compensated for my efforts and contributions.
  Q:Have you ever taken a position that didn't fit into your long term plan?
A:Back in the late eighties, when Wall Street was booming, I was lured away with a high paying offer in a firm that was trading commodities on the Asian market. Even though I had success in the job, I quickly realized that the work wasn't fulfilling or challenging enough to keep me happy. So, after two years, I jumped back into the corporate world as a controller for one of the metal plants of my corporation. I've since moved up in the finance area, and my long term plans include staying in this industry and assuming greater responsibility in the area of financial planning and control.
  Q:Other than work, tell me about an activity you've remained interested in over several years.
  A:I ve been involved in Cancer Society fundraising ever since my grandmother died from the disease. In the back of my mind I guess I m hoping that the research can lead to findings in time to save the life of someone else in my family.
  Q:What do you do in your spare time?
  A:I really enjoy getting outside—I often go camping and hiking. I've learned a lot about different fabrics that are good for various weather conditions. That's why I'm so interested in your textile operations.
  Qo you have a balanced lifestyle?
  A:I make an effort to get out of the office at a reasonable hour twice a week. I go home and walk my dog. That s one of the most relaxing things I do, but it often helps me think of solutions for problems at work, even though I'm not consciously trying to solve those problems.
  Q:What outside activities complement your work interests?
A:I ve always enjoyed tennis. In many ways it's a game of strategy and pacing. When something isn t working in the first set, you have to change your strategy for the second set. You also have to pace your energy in case you go to a third set, and constantly watch and read your opponent's reactions. I'm a gutsy tennis player—I go for the big points sometimes but I'm careful with timing. That s the way I am at work, too.
  Q:Tell me about a time you were in a recreational setting and got an idea that helped in your work.
  A:I was on vacation in Mexico and saw a woman with a homemade seesaw she was using to lift her laundry basket when she needed something out of it. It gave me an idea for a new type of scaffolding, which I designed when I got back to work. Now our brick masons have a rotating bench that keeps their materials at waist level, which reduces back fatigue.
  Q:How is your personality reflected in the kinds of activities you enjoy?
  A:I love to cook and entertain. That s the salesman coming out in me. I love sharing experiences with people, and I'm very outgoing. I don t particularly enjoy being alone. I always feel as if I should be doing something.
  Q:What kinds of leisure activities help you perform your work better?
  A:I enjoy sitting outside during lunch and talking with students. It gives me a chance to get fresh air, but it also helps the students get comfortable with me, so they re more likely to seek my help when they need it.
  Q:What do you do to relax?
  A:I have a great family. Weekends are like a vacation for me. When I m at work, I focus on work, but when I'm home on weekends, work really is far from my mind.
  One of the smartest things I did was to move twenty miles outside of town; even the drive home is relaxing.
  Q:If you found yourself getting burned out, what would you do to revitalize your energy?
  A:I don't allow myself to get involved in a routine to the point that I get burned out. I've always been the type of person who asks for new assignments so that I stay motivated and interested. 

College student career programming

University student's career planning directly impact on university student's academic performance, and also affect the job hunting after graduation and even the success of future career。

As a junior ,career programming is a impetus for the future .Through three year’s college life ,we have fairly domain knowledge. Now we need to do career planning based on our major, structure of knowledge, combination social environment and market circumstances.Taking out a plan about will engaged in what career and require reach the career goal’s directivity.

By means of myself’s career programming, I can solve the problem of four to decide -directional ,fixed point, fixed position,centering. Thereby, as soon as possible to sure my career goal,choose career development area and scope.

As a girl, I want to live leisure life .To be a teacher for a girl is a good choice,but I don’t think I can be a good teacher. As a teacher I have no special vision, no special urge ,no fight. I know my respect fields well. I have orderly minds.My course may be well planed and efficiently taught.Because I am a responsible person.I am more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. So I think I will not be a good teacher.

Choosing a career is one of the most important things in a person’s life. Finding the right career, we will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, we will not be able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make cause mistakes, the trouble is that we often choose a career for the wrong reasons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents and relatives, and many others change jobs constantly under the influence of friends who give them their advices. As a result, they can’t make the best use of their talents, and they get no well in their work. These mistakes can be avoided by taking into account some factors, such as our choice of occupation and a necessary information about the job before we make the decision. Above all, it is important to make a fare evaluation of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our ability is . Only by doing so, can we both excel in and enjoy our work.

Now ,learn well professional knowledge ,take full advantage of the rest time in college,do preparation for obtain employment.I need to successfully obtain a driver’s license,improve the ability of spoken English communication .read more books broaden my horizon.

Short-term career plan(2-5 years)

Get a job-this period is familiar and adjustment. I plan take about three years to find the job environment and station for myself developing by continue try and strive .In this period my focus mainly on take up a occupation .Putting my major energy on job and finding a job which can meet myself basic necessary. In my opinion ,I can chose from corporate PR ,ordinary staff ,secretary, assistant.

Medium-term career plan(5-15 years)

Choose a job-not only find a job,but also choose the suitable for myself in multitude job opportunity, in the long run, it is the one which can acquire better success.

This period is steadily progress time.In this approximately ten years ,work hard ,I should acquire business skills and have some achievements in the occupation I take .until that time , business began to transition, I will have accumulated some professional quality and interpersonal relationship.So I will able to chose the career I like.

Long-term career plan (15-30 years)

Stable development -this is a successful career stage.This is the gold time for career development.I need to grab the opportunity to push my career to peak. The development goal is steadily career ,harmony family, and a health body.

It is the first step to be successful that have a certain and reasonable plan. For to achieve the goals I need to do persistence efforts. As a famous saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There’s no one but longs to succeed, but it’s not easy to get success. I should have an active attitude. Even we can say, everything depends on attitude. If I have a right attitude,I will get half of success at the beginning .So, I cannot emphasize attitude too much. What’s more, practice is another important aspect to success. Easier said than done, so we must put into practice in the course of learning. Last but by no means the last, a firm resolution plays an essential role in getting success. All resistance will be conquered by a firm resolution. Man, once his goal is set, should not shift himself from his resolution of struggling for it. I think I have good jobs and good health, which enables I to bolster my family up till now. Besides, although I do not have a lot of money, I still gain whatever I need, making me feel happiness in life.

Goals and philosophy

Interested in painting and sculpture, I finally chose interior architecture designer as my future career, for residential design involves both architectural aesthetics and practical value. A perfect design requires a comprehensive knowledge in aesthetics and professional competence that involves high technology(Kadir,2009). As mathematics and painting serves as basic skills for interior architecture design, to enhance the proficiency in working with technology serves as my short-term goals, which requires a continuous practice in using graphic software such as Auto Desk 3D Max and Adobe Photoshop. I wish to grasp those skills over the next 3 months. In terms of long-term goals, I wish to work in large design companies such as GHD and AXS Satow because of its good prospects for development with original concepts in design.

A reflection of aesthetic and practical value in interior architecture design is my artistic philosophy. I believe that the design of interior decorations and furniture must meet customer’s material and spiritual needs of the indoor environment. The artistic philosophy has been reflected in my experience of designing a wedding room for Art Studio in Beijing. The space environment met the corresponding requirement of clients with a reflection of romantic atmosphere despite a dissatisfaction with small items. When dissatisfaction arose, I would illustrate my artistic philosophy that all the designs work as a whole to create an expected effect so that he finally accepted my advice.


Due to the immense economic potential of interior architecture design, the competition of the industry has become quite intense. According to a study made in 2011 by New York Observer, the average income of a junior interior architecture designer in medium-sized companies was about 0.56 million dollars a year while a senior designer received 1.2 million in average(Mark,2011). In order to figure out what kinds of architecture designers were competitive, I had an interview with Liang Zheng, the HR of AIO(Shanghai) international landscape and architecture design company. He listed several important qualifications and qualities in selecting a competent designer, including a master’s degree, overseas education backgrounds and working experience in architecture design. In addition, those with a good team-work spirit and communicative capacities would be more likely to be selected. To promote myself in facing the fierce competition, I should cultivate a good communicative skills and team-work spirit.

Skills and tools

Working in an international architecture design company requires qualifications and professional skills of high level(Frank,2004). In addition to a comprehensive knowledge in architecture aesthetics, communicative capability and good team-work spirit also serve as important part to fulfill my long-term professional goals. My current knowledge in architecture aesthetics and graphic software is not sufficient for competing with other architecture designer in large companies in which international communication is quite frequent. Thus I should be involved in diversity training courses and English courses to enhance my communicative abilities. With those efforts, essential working experience can be added into my professional portfolio.


Networking plays an essential role in further growth for architecture design companies, for the communication of design concepts and updated technologies helps to establish a long-term mutual beneficial cooperation on a higher level. Prominent affiliations and journals of interior architecture design serve as effective medium for the communication within the industry.

Interior Architecture Design, a Santa Monica College award-winning program located at the Academy Campus, focuses on enhancing professional skills in the local and international Architecture and Design Industry. In addition, the A Interior Design Competition also plays an important part for the continuous development of architecture design. The award has been viewed as an indicator of perfect interior design and important milestone in one’s career. Provided with exclusive marketing and communication services to promote his proficiency, a winner will be popular among worldwide design oriented companies and interest groups. Thus I take an active part in various competitions and programs of architecture design to achieve the long-term goal.

The future

In the future, I wish to work as a junior architecture designer in PAL Design Consultants Ltd of China, for the company’s original concept in interior architecture design and favorable working environment. The company has created various interior architecture designs through the use of innovative approaches to spatial organization, materials and lighting with great aesthetic value. The founder of the company, T.K.Chu, is well known for his concepts of integrating fashion elements into classical designs. He has developed his own aesthetic, the Art Deco that transforms classic flavors into geometric, graphic and rhythmic vision, which helps the designing product gain agreat popularity. His ultimate goal is to present the value of craft art that can not be reached under the help of accurate computations, for which I admire him a lot.

In addition, a favorable working environment makes the company more attractive. The staff of PAL Design Consultants Ltd comes from places around the world with various cultural backgrounds. The team provides a balance of western expertise, cross-cultural experience and local insight and the intertwining environment brings a wealth of creativity and motivation to the talented team(Roland,2003). Being an architecture designer in PAL Design Consultants Ltd, I can grow and develop with brilliant designers in a cheerful and lively, creative and harmonious culture. With its original concept in designing the company will keep striving further ahead in a dynamic and highly competitive marketD( Rowland,2011). To achieve this long-term goal, I must enhance my communicative capability and a good team-work spirit in the future. In addition to the cultivation of the above communicative skills, I will also continue working on my technical proficiency.


1. Kadir.H.(2009). The Integration of Interior Architecture with Innovative Design Approaches. US-China education review. ISSN 1548-6613.Vol.8.

2. Mark.G.(2011). Architecture Design Gains its Popularity. Architecture Design. New York Observer. Vol.48.Issue.4

3. Frank.G.A.(2004).Architecture Design and Assessment system.

4. Roland. D. (2003).Issue Brief: Smart-Growth: Building Livable Communities. American Institute of Architects. Retrieved on 2014-03-23.

5.D. Rowland.(2011).T.N. Howe: Vitruvius. Ten Books on Architecture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999, ISBN 0-521-00292-3


Being an accountant is my dream job. Accounting involves number crunching, math skills and organization. However, accounting is no longer the stereotyped dull job that it used to be. The change in the corporate culture has resulted in adding more glamour and importance to an accountant's job. In fact, the hot new field is forensic accounting where you don the role of detective to figure out who has been playing funny with the money. The number crunching aspect is still there, but the role is not limited to that alone.

To be an accountant, the first step is to locate a learning institution providing classes in the field, by making absolute sure the institution is recognized by the relevant accounting agency. After that, I want to take the monster test--CPA examination.

I am a careful and organized person and I think these personalities are an accountant's qualification. Moreover, I don't like adventures I hope everything in my life goes well, and accounting is fit in this point. What you need is sitting in your office and makes your work done. In addition, the pay can be lucrative as well.

Like what I mentioned, accounting involves number crunching, math skills and having a good understanding of financial transactions. Moreover, you have to be pretty good at memorizing rules and concepts. Also, you have to be good at putting word problems into a mathematical form.




  As is known to all, many famous people have high IQ such as Albert Einstein, a thinking machine, who was considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Does high IQ play an important part in one’s career? The answer is yes. However, with the development of our society, more and more studies show that EQ counts more than IQ in career.
  Believe it or not, there are several reasons. In the beginning, IQ means cleverness and intelligence, and EQ stands for an ability of judging, dealing, adapting and so on. Furthermore, IQ represents rational while EQ is in the name of emotional. The latter one helps you get well along with other people by a positive way, which is more significant to your success. At last, high IQ just gets more knowledge and skills, but high EQ gains people’s respect, understanding and support.
  In a word, EQ counts more than IQ in career. Please remember to improve your EQ if you are high in IQ.
  This is what I want to be.
  If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I am working on, I want to be living with English. I will learn a trade in English, totally, such as a car technician. I will be able to use English to talk about all the 20,000 parts of a car, to talk about how to assemble a car with those 20,000 parts, and to assign jobs to my men when I become a supervisor. When I am in the trade of my choice, I will not use Chinese at all, because my men will not understand Chinese. They will understand English and many other languages but not Chinese. English is our working language, our socialising language.
  Why do I plan my career as above? Because what I can do with Chinese I may not be able to do in English. If I want to do the same thing in both Chinese and English, I have to learn how to do it in both languages. That is a waste of my time.
  When I want to become a car technician, I only need to learn the trade in English, thus wasting no time to learn the same trade again in Chinese, nor wasting time translating English into Chinese, which I know already.
  My career will be a car technician in English. That is what I want to be.
  Talking about career,I’ve been planning since my first year in the university.
  I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related dream career is an english I want to be an english teacher after I quit the interpreting don’t just want to be confined by one my career once or twice,I can acquire different experience and enrich my part of my career planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keep my first year in university,I extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very knew that I should have a thorough grounding in english if I wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translate grade two,I began to apply for some part-time interpreting knew that I should gain enough work experience,so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job ,I got to know more foreigners,who would help me a lot with my future In grade three,I begin to send my CV to foreign-owned companies for clearly know that it is too late if I send CV to apply for jobs when graduation is grade four,if the company where I have the internship is content with me,I would stay there after graduating from the not,I would send CVs to other earning enough money and acquiring enough experience,I would change my career into an english a teacher I would have more spare time to be at my my good mastering of english I think I am qualified for an english for the teaching skills,I would certainly attend some good teachers’ classes to learn from would also communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really the years as a teacher,I would teach the students my own way of english learning,show the outside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so as to broaden their horizons.


